quarta-feira, agosto 09, 2006


Co Adriaanse demitiu-se?

É isso mesmo que dizem os jornais da Holanda...

Adriaanse stapt op bij FC Porto

RIJSWIJK - Co Adriaanse is woensdag opgestapt bij FC Porto. De Nederlandse trainer heeft per direct ...

(Quem souber flamengo que traduza...)

Adenda: O Altavista traduz assim, de flamengo pra inglês, as notícias dos jornais holandeses. O inglês é sofrível, mas dá para entender que supostamente Co demitiu-se por divergências com a direcção do clube.
Co Adriaanse has gone away Wednesday at FC porto. The Dutch coach has by directly all tasks have been laid down because of a faith crack with the governing board of the Portuguese club. According to Adriaanse that crack led to a onwerkbare situation. Dutch assistant also its Jan Olde Riekerink, technique coach Chris Kronshorst and keeper coach wants take Coort dismissal. Concerned made their decision confessed Wednesday in a summary press declaration. The people concerned savages none of all react to the news. It is vaguely why Adriaanse gebotst with the governing board are.


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